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2023-01-07 1004 分享到:


Arbor Assays新推出人B型利钠肽(BNP) ELISA试剂盒Human B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) ELISA kit(K083-H1, K083-H5),可以检测BNP和proBNP,是心力衰竭和心脏功能障碍已知的心脏生物标志物。
人B型利钠肽ELISA试剂盒,也称为人脑钠素ELISA试剂盒,英文名称Human B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) ELISA kit

DetectX®人B型利钠肽(BNP) ELISA试剂盒用于定量检测血清和血浆样本中的BNP。

The importance of utilizing the BNP biomarker cannot be understated, as more than 6 million adults in the United States suffer from heart failure. Diagnosis for these conditions is difficult due to late-onset symptoms after the disease has progressed severely. Symptoms of restrictive breathing (dyspnea) usually lead to an emergency room visit and the diagnosis of heart failure. Monitoring the blood levels of BNP can help evaluate the risk of heart failure for patients.

B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP [formerly known as brain natriuretic peptide]) is an important hormone that regulates blood pressure and volume. In patients with heart failure, increased heart stretch or hypoxia can trigger BNP synthesis and secretion from ventricular cardiomyocytes, as opposed to its normal constitutive release from only the atrium. Upon secretion, proBNP is cleaved into active BNP (32 amino acids), having a half-life of 20 minutes, and inactive NT-proBNP (76 amino acids), having a half-life of 90 minutes. Because BNP serum levels are greatly elevated in patients suffering from heart failure and cardiac dysfunction, this biomarker is a great addition to the diagnostic criteria for these diseases. Patients with serum concentrations greater than 100 pg/mL of BNP are very likely to suffer from heart failure or cardiac dysfunction. Not only can you determine the diagnostic outcome from this biomarker, but you can also monitor treatment efficacy for patients suffering from heart failure or cardiac dysfunction.



标准范围:1.25 - 80 pg/mL

灵敏度:0.31 pg/mL



Samples/Plate: 40 samples in duplicate


别名:GC-B; B-Type Natriuretic Peptide;Ventricular Natriuretic Peptide; Gamma-brain natriuretic peptide; Brain natriuretic peptide 32

Arbor Assays公司由多年科研经验的生命和临床科学家创建,宗旨是为临床使用的重要生物分子建立高质量的检测和免疫测试产品,在生物领域建立健全的免疫检测和酶活性试剂盒以定量生物分子。

Arbor Assays一直提供具有高灵敏,多物种,不同批次间质量稳定及操作步骤简单的免疫检测试剂盒。

北京中昊新生科技作为美国Arbor Assays中国代理,一直致力于为客户提供及时高效的配送和更专业的产品使用过程中的技术支持。欢迎联系我们了解人B型利钠肽/脑钠素(BNP) ELISA试剂盒更多数据信息,享受最新优惠信息。