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NuGel™ BindPro™ Protein Removal & Enrichment 蛋白去除及富集试剂
货号:BPM55-50 | 规格:50 preps | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Biotech Support Group
北京中昊新生科技有限公司代理Biotech Support GroupNuGel-BindPro™ Protein Removal & Enrichment 蛋白去除及富集试剂。BSG专注蛋白质组学样品制备和富集,产品包括白蛋白清除剂,血红蛋白清除剂,DNA/RNA富集,糖蛋白富集,尿蛋白富集等。

NuGel™ BindPro™ - Protein Removal & Enrichment of Metabolites/Analytes From Serum or Plasma

Aqueous Protein Crash & Enrichment of Metabolites/Analytes From Serum or Plasma

• 血清和血浆蛋白去除率,>95%

• 醋酸铵缓冲系统,简化分析物浓度

• 与化学沉淀或膜过滤不同,Aqueous Protein Crash,线性可扩展。

• 快速处理,从应用到分离不到 30 分钟

• 适用于药物结合/筛选、目标分析物和代谢组学

• 物种不可知,测试物种包括:人类、小鼠、绵羊、牛、山羊、大鼠、小牛

• 干粉形式,与高通量系统兼容,例如 96 孔板。

• NuGel™ BindPro™作为干粉试剂提供;相关产品 - BindPro™作为悬浮试剂提供

BindPro™ is an umbrella trademark for polymeric reagents designed as alternatives to ultra-filtration and solvent precipitation for applications that require protein removal and/or concentration in a more versatile or scalable format. NuGel™ BindPro™ is engineered onto a bead format, based on passivated porous silica (NuGel™ platform) covalently bound to elastomeric poly-electrolytes. NuGel™ BindPro™ can be used in lieu of solvents for drug binding studies, for targeted analytes, or for metabolomic investigations
