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BindPro™ Trial Kit蛋白去除及富集试剂盒
货号:BPTK-05 | 规格:5 mL | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Biotech Support Group
北京中昊新生科技有限公司代理Biotech Support GroupBindPro™ Trial Kit蛋白去除及富集试剂盒。BSG专注蛋白质组学样品制备和富集,产品包括白蛋白清除剂,血红蛋白清除剂,DNA/RNA富集,糖蛋白富集,尿蛋白富集等。

包含:5 mL BindPro™ 和 5次反应NuGel- BindPro™

BindPro™ Trial Kit includes 5 ml suspension of BindPro™ and 5 Preps of NuGel™ BindPro™.
Aqueous Protein Crash & Enrichment of Metabolites/Analytes From Serum or Plasma
Serum and plasma protein removal, >95%
Ammonium Acetate buffer system, simplifies analyte concentration
Aqueous Protein Crash, linearly scalable, unlike chemical precipitation or membrane filtration.
Fast process, less than 30 minutes from application to separation
Applicable for drug binding/screening, target analytes and metabolomics
Species agnostic, tested species include: human, mouse, sheep, bovine, goat, rat, calf
Dry powder format, compatible with high throughput systems such as 96 well plate.
NuGel™ BindPro™ supplied as a dry powder reagent; related product - BindPro™ supplied as a suspension reagent
BindPro™ is an umbrella trademark for polymeric reagents designed as alternatives to ultra-filtration and solvent precipitation for applications that require protein removal and/or concentration in a more versatile or scalable format. NuGel™ BindPro™ is engineered onto a bead format, based on passivated porous silica ( NuGel™ platform) covalently bound to elastomeric poly-electrolytes. NuGel™ BindPro™ can be used in lieu of solvents for drug binding studies, for targeted analytes, or for metabolomic investigations.
